
суббота, 20 апреля 2013 г.

2013-04-19 I sent 2 cards and 1 letter. Letter was for Turkish girl who asked me to send a photo of my cats. I made a photo, wrote a letter, asked whether the address I have is correct and got nothing as for reply. So, I sent it anyway, hopping the address is the correct one (much doubts, because maps.google doesn't really see the place).
The girl from Belarus is fun of seasonal greeting and the girl from Estonia likes ships.

Пасхальная открытка:

1. Mythical creatures : Amphiptere - Amphiptère
         Catalog codes: Mi:BE 4251, Bel:BE 4205
          Issued on: 2012-01-16
2. Cassenoix moucheté - Notenkraker

          Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3797, Yt:BE 3732, Bel:BE 3750
          Issued on: 2008-01-19
3. Becasse des Marais - Watersnip - Non-fluo-paper
          Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3251x, Bel:BE 3199a
          Issued on: 2004

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