
суббота, 23 марта 2013 г.

Today got this card.
It's a card from a reeks of 5 domestic rate prepaid cards "Flag Canadian pride". It's available for 10$. As far as card was sent internationally Rose attached extra stamp on a front. Actually it's not enough for international sending but card was received anyway. Stamp in definitive 2013 (the same set of stamps as postcards from the same designer). It was also sticker attached on the card from Hershey's and Kisses. Actually Hershey's Kisses is a brand of chocolate sweets and it's one of the most popular in the USA. Patented shape wrapped into aluminium folio and paper strip is attached (also patented). Hershey was a machine producing these sweets in XIX century, Kisses were sounds machine was making while producing.**

The photo is taken near Halifax. Halifax is a huge harbor on the Atlantic ocean coast. Of cause, it was a habitat of Indians some times before. And there is the only one memorial in North Americana to those died in Crimean war. Crimean war was for territories of agonizing Osman empire: between Britain, France, Osman empire... and Russia.
Heh, if it would be an appropriate cancel there, it would be a maximum card.
Canadian Pride
     Catalog code: ?
     Issued on: 2013-01-31

Another stamps of this serie
Love: Hershey's Kisses**Вот кстати совершенно случайно увидела марку:
Love: Hershey's Kisses
    Series: Definitives !!!
    Catalog codes: Sn:US 4122
    Issued on: 2007-
Да, действительно популярные конфеты. Обычно на стандартных марках покащывают символы страны....

1. Mythical creatures : Griffin - Griffioen - Griffon
           Catalog codes: Mi:BE 4253, Bel:BE 4207
            Issued on: 2012-
2. Cassenoix moucheté - Notenkraker
             Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3797, Yt:BE 3732, Bel:BE 3750
             Issued on: 2008-01-19
3. Tawny Owl - Chouette hulotte - Bosuil
            Catalog codes: Mi:BE 4015, Bel:BE 3956,WAD:BE086.09
            Issued on: 2009-10-05

4. Mésange nonnette - Glanskopmees
             Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3434, Bel:BE 3389
             Issued on: 2005-04-04
5. Becasse des Marais - Watersnip - Non-fluo-paper
             Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3251x, Bel:BE 3199a
             Issued on: 2004
6. Rossignol philomène - Nachtegaal - Normal, non fluo paper
             Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3316x, Bel:BE 3264a
             Issued on: 2004-04-17

1. King Albert II in uniform. Tarif 1
         Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3733, Bel:BE 3695
         Issued on: 
2. Fashion Museum - Hasselt
            Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3710, Bel:BE 3662
            Issued on: 2007-
3. Tawny Owl - Chouette hulotte - Bosuil
            Catalog codes: Mi:BE 4015, Bel:BE 3956,WAD:BE086.09
            Issued on: 2009-10-05

4. Rossignol philomène - Nachtegaal - Normal, non fluo paper
             Catalog codes: Mi:BE 3316x, Bel:BE 3264a
             Issued on: 2004-04-17

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